Wax and polish

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Cuajota was starting to look a bit dull and chalky and it had been about a year since it was polished and waxed so rather than pay someone to do it, I decided it was time for me to spend some quality time with her and massage her curves. Lol. I decided on a 2 part Meguiars system. Part 1 was the #44 color restorer gel coat polish designed to remove the haze and restore shine and part 2 was the premium boat carnauba wax. Both specifically designed for marine use and gel coat. It took a couple weekends, a bag of terry cloths and lots of sweat and elbow grease to get her completely done but what a difference! She is shiny like new and the gel coat is on great condition. Now that the top sides are so shiny it’s time to really think about addressing the deck and cockpit.



One Reply to “Wax and polish”

  1. Re: Border Run:

    1) Do the middle distance course (70 miles)
    2) Use a spinnaker, pretty much a must (see #5)
    3) Enter crusing class
    4) get your buddy who was the prior owner to sail with you
    5) You will want 2 experienced sailors on board.

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