Movin’ on up like The Jeffersons! Cuajota gets a new home!

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Ok so I may be dating myself with a 70s TV show reference but you get the idea. Well today Cuajota moved into her new home. A slip in Newport Harbor. She was in a mooring and we just decided that it would be a bit easier on us if Cuajota was in a slip…we will see how we like it in the next few months. If we don’t we can always to back to the mooring.

One Reply to “Movin’ on up like The Jeffersons! Cuajota gets a new home!”

  1. We would love to see you sailing on your W.D. Schock Boat so we’ve decided to hold a video competition.

    We’ve all got those fantastic photos from out on the water, or video shorts of us whizzing around the Harbor, so why not share them with fellow enthusiasts and you could find yourself winning a $100 gift certificate to Schock Outfitters or W.D. Schock Boats. Stock up on all the latest Schock apparel and accessories or get ready for Spring and pick up a new part for your boat.

    Create a sailing video not to exceed to 2 minutes on your W.D. Schock Boat

    Upload the video to Youtube or Vimeo and send the link to us, at

    Deadline for Submission:
    Monday May 7, 2012

    The Winner will be notified by May 15th and will be featured in one of our weekly newsletters.

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