6 Days until Catalina!

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Seven days to go! I am counting down the days until we make a trip over to Catalina. We are Gonna go over there this weekend on the flyer and get a good look of things. This’ll be my first time to Catalina so I’m looking for to it. Right now I’m doing a lot of boat prep. I have tested the iPad and the navigation software to make sure things are working smoothly with that. I am also going to be calibrating the compasses and make sure they are completely accurate. I’ve gotten the oil change and fuel filter changed and the engine checked out. I am doing any last-minute patches to the sail to make sure that that’s completely okay.

One Reply to “6 Days until Catalina!”

  1. I AM SO JEALOUS! lol seriously. I assume this will be your first effort at grabbing a mooring ball too! Make us noobs proud and do it as if it is your day job! Reef early, keep your eyes peeled, stay aboard and have a pleasant voyage! I look forward to the rather tasteful videos, pictures and thoughtfully boaty commentary that you tend to post.

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