Merry Christmas! Dolphins or ????

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First let me say Merry Christmas to all that have followed me and my journey! I love the positive comments I have gotten and I am actually going to be stepping it up in 2012 with some VERY cool things on the horizon! Now on to todays post…

I went out early for a sail…well I knew the chances of good wind were VERY low, bt I had a full day planned and I would only be able to get out between 8 and 11am. So I motored out and sat in the calm ocean for a bit…then decided to head back in…thats when I spotted what to me looked like dolphins…I turned to get a better look. Something seemed odd. They looked bigger than the grey dolphins that I normally see in the Newport Beach waters. They were also black and white in color, not grey. My mind said “Killer Whales!”. I dismissed the thought. I was 1/2 mile or so offshore! Orca??? No way, so wanted to get a closer look…as I got close to them I had them on both my port and starboard side. They still seemed a bit strange…I got pretty close and unlike the normal playful dolphins, these guys seemed quite serious and well just swam away…then dove and disappeared as if they didn’t want any human contact…very unlike the normal dolphins which seem to want to play and come feet and sometimes inches from the bow. I took some video with the iPhone and when I got home I looked even closer…well…I’m not sure, maybe someone who is familiar with marine mammals will chime in and tell me more, but they are not the normal grey dolphins…thats all I know…it was VERY cool to see them! Here is the video…

[vimeo w=960&h=540]

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