Sailing WIth Dolphins…..

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Santa Ana Winds are here. In some areas of the California mountains the winds have gotten to 100+ MPH. Here on the coast maybe 40. The coolest thing about all of this is that it blows all the haze and So Cal smog out to sea and gives us a super clear sky. A good friend came to town and I took him out for a sail. On our way out of the harbor we looked all around the boat and there were DOZENS of dolphins swimming all around the boat. Literally everywhere we looked there were dolphins. I love it when I see one or two on a sail. Seeing dozens was magical. Such amazing animals. So graceful. So peaceful. Once out of the harbor there was near pefect sea conditions. No waves, light winds and an epic sunset. We could see all the way to Catalina clearly and the sun setting behind the island was amazing. The deep purple blended into the gentle blue waves as Cuajota glided across the ocean with ease. The sound of the water giving way as the bow of the boat cut through the water was relaxing as the boat gently rocked back and forth. After 42 years of living on the west coast and always within 5 miles of the water I now get it. I now understand what it all means and what it’s all about.




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