Our First Sail!

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cuajota, sailing, newport beach
Newport harbor at sunset from the deck of Cuajota.

After going out with KJ a few times, and a few private lessons, It was time to go out on our own!  We pulled up to the dock and KJ watched as I prepped the boat.  I did it perfectly and we were ready to cast off!  Raised the main, a push from the dock and I unfurled the jib and we were sailing…slow but sailing.  Jackie says, “We’re drifting…”, I corrected her and said the the sails were full of air and we were being usher in the right direction, we were sailing.  We went downwind and it was ok…I gave her some tips for steering as I was going to be on the sheets for tacking and jibing.  We were going fairly slow downwind and then it started to pick up, we were able to make the boat move.  We turned around near the end of the harbor and tacked back.  GREAT sail!  Felt great to be able to turn the motor off and be under sail on our own!


Jackie at the bow motoring back to the mooring after our first sail.

One Reply to “Our First Sail!”

  1. Great stuff. I have sailed a lot in the past but am not able to currently sail so I am very jealous. Just have fun and enjoy it. The only perfect sailor is 6 feet under all the rest are always or should be always learning.

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