Water Pump and Belts

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A few weeks ago after a sail the water temp alarm goes off. Lucky for me I was already back to the slip. Look at the engine and I notice the Sea Water pump isnt turning. The belt was very very loose. I was about to adjust the belt when I notice a BIG gash in the belt. Hmmm…maybe change the belt and see if that fixes the problem. I decide that I should probably replace both belts while I am at it. I finally get the belts on and adjusted, turn the motor on and water is leaking everywhere. Trace it back to the water pump. I decide instead of rebuilding it, just to buy a new one. The pump installation was a piece of cake. 2 bolts and 2 hose clamps and the old pump was free. New pump went on even easier. Tightened the bolts and adjusted the tension and the install was done! While I was in there I took the time to clean the area around the engine bay and the bilge pump. I was thinking of rebuilding the old pump, but its so old and crusty, I may not bother.

Leaking Water Pump

Cuajota Water Pump Leak from Cuajota on Vimeo.

Bad Belts



New Pump

New Pump Installed

New Pump/Cleaned Engine Bay

Old Pump
IMG_3569 - Version 2

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