Look how far we’ve come!!!!

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The wife sent me a text and said she wanted to go sailing. It was my day off and usually I go out solo because she is tired after work. Great! It’s always great to have her go out with me. Although in the past things can get strange. She thinks I’m a daredevil. I think she worries too much and the truth probably lies in the middle. (if you are reading this sweetheart you are always right). It was an overcast day. The wind was about 7-8 knots. Nothing too bad. I always am a bit anxious about the sea conditions. I am not sure when that will end. In a way I think its good. It makes me double and triple check everything before I head out of the harbor. She was saying the same things…”Is this going to get too bumpy? I see swells out there…”. I reassured her it was not going to be bad at all. Once out of the harbor we motored south west just to clear the coastline and then shut the motor down and opened the headsail. Turned the boat south, and the boat glided. It was calm, relaxing, special. We went down a ways and watched the coast go by. The boat was calm and composed at about 5.5 knots. Saw a pod of dolphins fishing and playing in the water…that never gets old. I began to reminisce. 8 months ago I had never sailed. We were now going out in the ocean with no issues. 6 months ago I was terrified of the open ocean, now I singlehand the boat in 15+ knot winds. Look how far we’ve come!

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