Rain Delay

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It’s 10am and I thought that I would be half way to Catalina right now. Instead I am looking at big winds and rain. KJ and I postponed the trip for a few weeks. In addition to the big winds and rains there are gale force warnings and high sea warnings. If we had went it would probably have been a miserable trip. We still may put the foul weather gear on and take cuajota out for a wet sail this afternoon. Just not to Catalina.

One Reply to “Rain Delay”

  1. Good Call…..any time that you can postpone a wet miserable gear breaking and dangerous voyage is a smart move….as crazy as you are about sailing [ same with me ] you will have plenty of opportunities to get soaking wet, and tear hell out of the boat…I have…some of my best days on the boat have been tied up to the dock…. having a taste of single malt…watching my friends and dock mates attempting to leave and enter their slips……I love your Blog……Mike

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